Friday, August 7

I Think It Might Be Time

I think it might be time to change my blog a bit, update it, change it, maybe even start using it again!

I have realized though many days are contained in one life, you can also live life in a day. My updated blog will be about the life lived within the constraints of an every day ordinary life. From a child's cuts and scrapes to the naturzl beauty of the surrounding world.

Hmmmm..... I would appreciate thoughts and comments on the theme of the PhoenixJoaquin blogspot. Let me know.



Mandy Lou said...

Happy to see you back! I had to dust the cobwebs off my little blog as well. I'm not back to my prior form, but I'm giving it my best :-)

Hope the family is well!

Mandy Lou

Lemon Stand said...

I have been away from blogging for almost two years but have dusted mine off and restarted over from the beginning. I hope you will blog some more. I have missed it.