Tuesday, April 29

Hey Jan - This one is for you!

From left to right - sisters K&C, Just Laura, cousins Mike & Jan

My cousin Janice visits the post periodically and reports the occasional news to everyone back home in Illinois. I thought I'd honor her with a blast from the past. Jan is on the far right - another cousin Mike is next to her.

Jan came to visit (with other family as well) one summer in 1978 (the year after we relocated to AZ). I remember all of us kids sleeping in one bedroom with the scent of vinegar lofting through the air. Someone had gotten a sunburn and vinegar was applied for the its cooling effect.

I remember singing "Oleander, Oleander, Oleander, Oleander" to the theme of Hallelujah Chorus although I'm not sure how that one got started. Parents and older cousins went to Las Vegas and all of us minors =) stayed home with Grandma Mary.

Memories from the past - Jan played clarinet in high school (When The Saints Go Marching In and Bear Necessities) and had beads hanging in her room. A yellow T-Shirt with "Dangerous Curves" written on the front. 5yr age diff between the two of us?

Good times! Love you Jan!

1 comment:

JJOK1962 said...

You have an amazing memory! :) Thanks for the blast from the past! Enjoy reading about your days - Good and Bad :o) I was inspired by the AZ blogs and decided to start my own back in Dec. It has a photo and a profile (well, kind of) and then Mom when into the hospital :( So, it is still there and I have not given up on it yet!...and will let you know when there are actual "posts" on it - Keep SMILIN'!
Miss you and love you guys! - Jan