Monday, April 14

I am still here...

I've got a question for the Navy wives out there... or even the wives whose husbands are away for long periods of time.

I have come to the conclusion (just this weekend) I do not like to be home. Home is not complete without Jerry here. I am just not completely happy in this house I call home. I do not feel whole.

Is this normal?

I left for my parents house Friday evening within an hour of getting home. Packed up myself, Ben and Bear, loaded up the truck and took a drive. My parents didn't even know we were coming until I called from the road. Once there we had a great time. Ben was wonderful and we were able to spend much needed quality time together. Quality time is so much easier when all of your projects and to-do lists are 100 miles away! =)

Anyway, when Sunday evening arrived I did not want to come home. We actually woke up this morning at 5:30am and drove home this morning, unloaded the truck and ran off to work. Again, not spending too much time inside the house.

Am I losing my mind? Should I talk to someone about this?


KL Grady said...

In my life before kids, I definitely did this as much as I could. I'd drop my dh off at the ship, then I'd spend a good half day shopping (mostly window-style), take home salsa and a movie, and pretend like I totally meant to be home alone. Again.

Lori said...

Sorry I'm no help. I have no experience with this.
I hope you find happiness and comfort in your kids. I think it would be much worse if you were home completely alone.

Sandi said...

It says a lot about your feelings for Jerry and your closeness that the house doesn't feel the same without him. That's a good thing! It would be worrisome if you were just fine with him being gone.

Let's hope the days go by quickly and he is soon safely back with you and Ben.

Mandy Lou said...

I get that.

Usually if Scott's gone for a day or two I love it - I get the whole bed to myself, I don't have to worry about any of the things I do for him on a daily basis. But after three or four days I'm lonely, the house is too quiet, his smell fades from the pillow, the animals start to get a bit out of sorts (probably just a reflection of my mood).

Sadly I don't have any suggestions. Just know that each day that goes by he's one day closer to getting home.

Take care darlin'.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...

I think this is what people REALLY mean when they say, "stay busy."

I just hate the emptiness, but sometimes I end up staying home because 1) I don't have the energy to get the kids together to go out and 2) The sucking, emptiness that I feel all over again when I come back from being busy and engaged in conversation with other grown-ups can be really depressing.