Thursday, January 31

Just A Thought....

I think it may be time to make a come back into the blogosphere. It's been almost a month since I've been on and I'm losing my mind. Getting more sleep but definitely losing my sanity. I have come to the realization that this blog is written more for myself than to keep hubby updated on homefront news. This is my emotional outlet and creative distraction. I love to read blogs from all of the .dot comrades out there - you are helping to keep a mother on the edge. period. You keep me from tipping over the edge. Thank you!

Frankly, I've experienced days in recent, very recent past that I was happy Monday came around and sad that I must leave to come home. You see, I think this having it all and doing it all by yourself thing is wearing a bit thin. I have a three year old, an almost thirteen year old, a stressful job, no hubby to hug @ night and a disorganized house. Uggggh! Why doesn't Calgon come and take me away?

Mommy and Daddy are coming tomorrow - hopefully they can run interference so I can drown myself in deep therapy. House Cleaning! It will also be nice to have adults in the house, I tend to believe the knowledge of just knowing there are others like me hanging out in the next room will be peace enough.



Lori said...

Glad your back, tell your sis to get back at it too. I was beginning to wonder what happened to the two of you.
I don't know how your handling it alone, if I didn't have my husband around to help my house and sanity would definitely be suffering. So happy cleaning.

KL Grady said...

Hugs, chica. I think blogs were originally invented for people to vent, right? So it would be very appropriate for you to do so. :)

Mandy Lou said...

Ohh - glad to see you back too! I kind of know what you're saying (don't have a pre-schooler or teenager, or a hubby that's out of the country!) - I've been missing my blog, it's good therapy!

Hope Jerry and the kids are all well and do to Scoobers to get at it too (we miss her too!)

Mandy Lou