Friday, November 9

What's going on with my sweet boy?

So here I sit wondering why my son is out of control. I spoke with his daycare provider this evening and she confirmed the behavior issues as well.
Good news - it's not just me.

Bad news - it's not just me.

A couple theories on the issues are rolling through my oh so exhausted grey matter. One - Ben misses his Papa and does not know how to express these feelings. Makes perfect sense all things considered. Number two is a much more involved theory although not impossible nor out of the realm of possibility. A possible food allergy. It has been proven by nutritionists that food allergies can effect a person's behavior and even much more so in a child.

This weekend not only will I be working on the behavior issues but talking more to Ben about his Papa. I am also starting a food journal so I can keep track of everything going in (and through) his little body. Prayer is even bigger at this point in time. Ben and I pray everyday.

Any thoughts on this?

As for me and mine - it's time for eyes to close. Let the dreaming begin.


Scoobers said...

oh, i heard about the glue on the towels, the nail polish on the makeup and the tantrum because he wanted to stay naked.


maybe it was the half of a butterfinger plus the whole butterfinger i gave him : )

Anonymous said...

My guess would be the recent change of your situation. He probably doesn't even understand his own feelings. Poor little guy. I hope you find the answers you need. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Funny you should because my un-friend "C" lives in Phoenix.

Mandy Lou said...

I'm guessing that it's situational too, and I hope it's not actually a food allergy. Sound strange, but they are hard to diagnose and worse yet if it's something like wheat or yeast it makes shopping and eating so difficult for the whole family. A friend of mine was just diagnosed with a gluten/yeast allergy and she is having such a hard time finding anything to eat.

Anyway, best of luck - maybe the weekend will help?!

Lori said...

Food allergy causing behavior issues is something I am not familiar with, if I had to make an educated guess (since I can't speak from experience) I would say Ben misses his daddy.
How sad, for him, and he is so young he probably doesn't understand why he's gone or when he's comimg home even when you tell him.
I hope it gets better.
Maybe if it were a food allergy it would be easier to treat since bringing daddy home isn't really an option right now. As long as its not an allergy to a major staple in the normal diet, like wheat, as Mandy Lou mentioned, that would make shopping and cooking very difficult.
Maybe he's allergic to butterfingers! Tell auntie Scoobers to stop feeding them to him.