Thursday, November 15

Perfect Day

For most Arizonans, today could be considered one of those perfect days. Cloudy, rainy and somewhat cool. The temp never climbed over the mid 70's so I was able to wear a sweater. Yes, I wore a sweater to work.
I will never understand the biting wind, mind numbing cold in which so many Midwesterners and East coasters deal with every winter. Today was the beginning of sweater weather and that makes for the perfect day. Only temperatures in the mid 60s would have been better.
I can't believe I have succumbed to the weather in order to make my daily blog deadline. I'm going back to my NyQuil induced sleep and hopefully will wake up with my voice.
Good Night!


Scoobers said...

It was a nice day today :)
Don't put the warm weather clothes away just yet. The high eighties will be back this week.

Feel better!

JJOK1962 said...

Hello from Wisconsin,
Just to let you know that it is 30 degrees here this morning (sweater weather)! I thought it only fair to let you know that Eddie forwarded your blog address to me and I have been reading every morning. It is so nice to see pictures and know what you are up to. I am inspired by your dedication to your blog. (to the point that I may start one soon...need to find the time????) I will write more later...until then, I hope you feel better and hang in there!

Cousin from Wisconsin

Sandi said...

Love those cool, rainy Arizona days. Enjoy! Summer will be back before you know it.

Anonymous said...

We're pulling out our winter coats here in Michigan. Expecting light snow flurries one day and a 60 degree day the next this week. Typical around these parts. Hope you are feeling better.