Wednesday, November 14

Where did the ball go?

I'm looking for advice so feel free to comment up a storm. Tell me to get a life, get my *ss in gear, whatever - I just cannot seem to get my head in the game. People tell me I have a lot on my mind (really?), not to worry, it's just natural all things considered. Come on! I'm a professional and when I don't pull my weight (which is a lot) I'm not happy with myself. (blah)

I've been working @ my company for 12 years now. I've held a variety of positions from secretary to management. I am currently in sales with a quota over my head. Now, typical of most sales jobs, there is a lot of middle mgmt over me that likes to put their finger in the mix to stir things up. Specifically things that deter me from the primary goal - making money. Sales.

We have mandatory training (on-line & classroom) , customer calls, customer visits, report after report and like all other jobs the stuff someone else is supposed to handle but doesn't so you have to do it yourself so it gets done properly. Well I play the game. I use the tools given to me, turn in my reports (when I remember and I'll get to that later), make the calls, visit the clients, etc. When in a normal work day am I supposed to sell something? That aside the main problem is as follows.

The main problem (in my opinion) is my brain. I miss appointments that are clearly written on my calendar, forget to answer voice mail, not followed up on the "sure thing" sale which by the way I end up losing. I've even forgotten to hit the button on my emailed proposal and once again end up blowing off my client. WHISKEY-FOXTROT-TANGO! (military for WTF)

Yes, I have been distracted. Hmmmmm.... who wouldn't be with their husband somewhere else for a long period of time. Like I said, I'm doing the footwork, logging the calls and miles on my car but I just cannot get my mind back into the game. I have always been one of the most conscientious (spelling?) worker bee out there and by the way I don't cheat or steal to get my customers.

My sales suck big time right now and I feel like the biggest loser and failure because I can't even focus on the job. I haven't given 100% in a long time... 75% is hard enough. God, I hate that.

How do I get my head back in the game? How do I remember all of the things to do during a day? (obviously writing it down doesn't work) Any ideas out there? Things that have worked for you? Not worked? Uggghhhhh!

This situation has me absolutely flustered. I have always been on the go and on the ball. The ball rolled away somewhere and I kind of need to find it!


Lori said...

Maybe a new 'brain' will help you. Let me explain. When I was growing up my dad had this gadget that did everyting, stored phone #'s, appointments, etc, and he could set an alarm on it to remind him of these appointments, phone calls needed to be made, etc. He called it his brain because he would be lost without it. When he'd misplace it in the house he'd walk around saying "has anyone seen my brain?"
Okay, so I think technology has evolved on the 'brain', and the newer better version would be a palm pilot. So maybe you should buy yourself a palm pilot and see if it helps keep you organized.

Sandi said...

That's a tough one. I would imagine that deep down remembering these things really isn't a priority anymore - your heart is with your husband and kids. At the hospital we have what is called a "time out" which is when you stop, take a breath, and focus on what you're doing to avoid mistakes. Maybe something like that would help force you to focus. When I'm stressed at work, I need to use this tool to stop the mind chatter and re-focus. Or maybe you just need to wait until your husband gets back and not be too hard on yourself!

Just Laura said...

I actually sat down with my boss this morning and had a heart to heart. I explained my side of the situation and asked for his help. We even talked about the anxiety issue. He said he would help keep me accountable by keeing me faced in the right direction. I've opened my calendar to him so I have someone else watching my schedule. It's definitely not a solution but a pretty good start.

Lori has the same idea Jerry does. I am trying to keep all of my responsibilities on track with Outlook so a new brain might be the thing. More portable than my laptop.

Sandi, you are absolutely correct. I do need to be a little less hard on myself. I will be taking a few walks around the bldg during the day to clear my head.

Lori said...

Ooh, I just had an idea, what about an iphone. A totally cool thing, that is way to expensive to justify, unless, you NEED it for your job. And it would be really cool for other stuff too.
Then you can access your Outlook from it.

JJOK1962 said...

Me again - wanted to comment yesterday and never had time. The i-phone would be awesome but can't justify - yet. I use Outlook, too. I also use a palm which syncs to Outlook and is much easier to fit in my purse than my laptop. :) I sync at the end of the day - anything that has changed on either is updated on both, in about 10 seconds. A lifesaver with the kids appts, work, contacts, etc. My palm also beeps to remind me of an appt, just like my reminders on Outlook.